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By lyuesword | 28 October 2020 | 1 Comments

Mei - Japanese Sword Signatures

The mei, or inscription on Japanese swords usually found on the nakago, and can be of several forms.
The typical form is chiseled, or carved, by the maker. The smith may have somebody else do the signature for him. (Many early smiths were illiterate.) Knowing who did the signatures is one of the difficulties faced by the collector. Other forms of mei include attributions, which may be done in lacquer, or inlayed metal, usually gold. Some swords were never signed, or the signature was lost dueto shortening. (Swords are always shortened by removing metal from thenakago end, the end with the signature.) 


Signatures are usually engraved on the side of the Nakago facing away from the person. Tachiare worn with the edge down, slung on the left side of the body. (This is just the opposite of Katana, which is worn edge up on the left side of the body.)  Most blades were signed Tachi mei until the Muromachi Period.


Since the Katana was worn with the edge up, the signature was made on the opposite side compared to the Tachi, as the sword is worn. Most swords after the Muromachi periodwere signed this way. 

This Mei is read "Bungo ju Fujiwara Saneyuki".

This term refers to the front side of the blade, (the side of the blade that faces out as it is worn). Therefore, the omote is opposite for tachi and katana see above.
The characters found on the omote wouldusually be the smiths name, place of residence and any titles. 

This (omote) Katana-mei is read "Echizen no Kami Fujiwara Kunitsugu", andtranslates to: Lord of Echizen (honorary), Fujiwara Kunitsugu (the smithsname). 

This term refers to the back side of the blade (the side of the blade facing the body, as it is worn). The characters on the ura side of a blade would usually be the date, or some other information.

This is the ura of the katana-mei swordabove, and is read "Ni oite Kuma moto motte namban Tetsu".

A student signs his masters blade with permission, or a student makes a blade in the masters style and signs it with permission.

In this case the masters signature is placed on a blade made by his student, in the masters style with permission of the master. The second generation Kunisada (later became Inoue Shinkai) was well known for making blades using the first generation Kunisada's signature. This is usually seen when the father, or master smith, is too old to make blades, but has not yet passed the title on to his son, or student.

A red lacquer signature added from anappraiser to give an attribution.


A false signature.

Ato means after, or later. Mei meanssignature. It is an inscription, added later, without the smiths knowledge or permission. Ato-mei can take many forms, many being in gold inlay or red lacquer, usually as an attribution by an expert sword appraiser. Without papers, these can be taken 'with a grain of salt'.

When a sword is shortened the signature can be removed with the surrounding steel and then added to the Nakago.


When a sword is shortened by a smaller amount the signature and surrounding steel can be folded over the Nakago and onto the other side.


A two character signature.


Gold inlay on the nakago, usually placed there by an appraiser.

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